Coping cards
Coping cards are a part of technique in behavioral psychotherapy. Under therapist’s supervision a patient records automatic thoughts or beliefs on one side of the card and an adaptive answer or an action plan on the other. I decided to make a mobile app for keeping track of these cards.
Clickable prototype of the app 📱
During the course of therapy a patient is required to make coping cards on paper — so that he or she had a material object embodying new thoughts and ideas. To gain positive result one should have cards on at all times and review them frequently. On average, a patient has 10 to 15 cards and reviewing such an amount while waiting in line might be troublesome.
In addition to the paper ones people often use their phone to record cards. For that purpose I decided to design an appropriate app. I aimed to simplify the process: all cards in the same place, patient sees one side of the card and in times of need cards are always at hand.

The whole app is aimed at one problem: safekeeping of coping cards. On first launch user is offered to make the first card under their therapist’s supervision.

Cards are categorized — one could use pre-made tags or add their own.

When ready a card can be viewed as a physical one: read automatic thought to understand what’s going on and then turn the card around to remember the conclusion one came to during therapy.

When tap-pressed, card will expand to full-screen for quick editing. If card is no longer needed for therapy it can be easily deleted.

During design process I formed a component library so now new screen mock-ups could be easily build from existing blocks.
What next
There are very few instruments for behavioral therapy on the market. I'd like to publish my app in the app store, so I and everyone else could keep their coping-cards always at hand.